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to meet a real ZEBRA!!!

to take part in a postcrossing meetup abroad!!!

to visite any sculpture of Niki de Saint-Phalle!!!

to participate in a safari in any african country!!

to meet my cousin CHRISSI from germany!!

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Travelog for: ZORRO_Zebra

TABRIZ, IRAN - 10th April 2014

By: ipuenktchen

hey, everybody in the big wide world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

today was the most exciting day of my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't know from where to start to tell you, what happened!!!?!?!?

untill today I was quite hopeless hidden in ipue's cellar among any unneeded stuff........... but the same day when yashila_81 and lili_6789 came to ipue's house, and as yashila_81 and his dad got busy in the garage his mom got busy with lili_6789 in the cellar....

AND believe it,  WHAT DID THEY FOUND THERE????????????????!?!?!?!!???????????????!?!??!!!?
MEEEE - MEEEE - MEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and I got sooooo happy to be given a real home again!!
and more than this I got thrilled when I met my sister ZIZZI_Zebra  just there!!!! and even when they told me about CHRISSI, who exactly looks like meeeeeeeeeee, and besides ZIZZI has in her life-missions to meet her, as she was so homesick because of my absence............... Oh what a glorious day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

daumen hoch sm.gif

* Posted Apr 13, 2014, 10:30 pm Last edited Apr 14, 2014, 7:27 pm by ipuenktchen [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

TABRIZ, IRAN - 12th April 2014

By: ipuenktchen

hey, everybody in the whole wide world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was so surprised when I heard 10 days ago they had still SNOW in tabriz!!?! (I never had seen snow in my life!!!?!) and so I asked to go out in the yard because it was a sunny day and it feels good after so long days downstairs in the cellar.... !!!! so we had a great photo-session and (you know, I'm a bit shy) I got real friend with Possy & Crossy and the guest Mr. F.M.Bear, as I heard who will leave soon...........


* Posted Apr 13, 2014, 10:41 pm Last edited Apr 13, 2014, 11:01 pm by ipuenktchen [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

TABRIZ, IRAN - 14th April 2014

By: ipuenktchen

hi, everybody in the big big world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I understand nothing... one day we got friends and the next day we had to get separed????????????? boah... things happen............... but I get a bit sad about...............................

and so we had today the GOODBYE-PARTY for F.M.Baer who's going happily back to his mom after 9 month in IRAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?!?! accompanied by POSSY & CROSSY, as dear turtles has a great adventure in advance and proposed to take them with her, too!!!!!!!!!!
honestly I'm a bit jalous............... only a bit... but jalous....................

first everybody was helping them to make their suitcases!
then the party - it was great, we even had live-music!!!!!!!!!!!!

and now all my very best, dear FMBaer for your further life - and you, dear POSSY & CROSSY, take care, so we'll see us again back home in the near future!!!!


* Posted Apr 14, 2014, 7:33 pm Last edited Apr 16, 2014, 9:11 pm by ipuenktchen [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Tabriz, Iran - 16th April 2014

By: ipuenktchen

heyyyyyyy, leutzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!

today it was my very first time in one of ipue's gatherings!!! we were allowed to have a glance at her collegues-gathering.. and as one of their oldest friends recently moved to tehran, even last gathering had been at her home before leaving tabriz... so they decided to give a souvenir from all her tabriz-friends to her.. well, it wasn't our taste, but ZIZZI told me, we have to look at this via IR-glasses, ppl here adore the IR-handmade-silver stuff!!!!!!!!!!! and so it was an excellent gift for her!!! pure silver!!!!!!!!!!!!

and it was only me and ZORRO from the TVs had been at the gathering, as the others left yesterday..........


* Posted Apr 16, 2014, 9:05 pm Last edited Apr 16, 2014, 9:06 pm by ipuenktchen [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Tabriz, Iran - 19th April 2014

By: ipuenktchen

helloooooooooooo, everyyybodyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!

ipue told us, she proposed dear lili_6789 to make some clothes for her to be more comfortable in the last months of her pregnancy... her mom was so kind to send the fabrics!! and so we all helped a lot, and dear lili with her lovely smile always she cheers ppl up and so we were relaxed enough to finish every day one!!!!!! we are so proud - it was my very first time to help in sewing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


* Posted Apr 19, 2014, 5:55 pm [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Tabriz, Iran - 20th April 2014

By: ipuenktchen

A Very HappyEaster - Joyeux Paques - FROHE OSTERN!!!!!!!!!!!

the yard is so beautiful - a real *Easter-garden*!!!! ipuenktchen told us since long time ago it hadn't be like THIS year that all the flowers are blooming and the trees are in flower just in time for EASTER!!!!

pls have a look:


* Posted Apr 20, 2014, 11:29 am Last edited Apr 21, 2014, 12:35 am by ipuenktchen [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Tabriz, Iran - 20th April 2014

By: ipuenktchen

hellooooooooo, leutzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!!
although I'm a boy today in the afternoon we had been allowed to come with ipue at the Foreign Women's Easter-gathering!!!!!! like usual there had been lots of goodies... dangerous.... *smile* and among millions of calories ipue's  one and only favorite *creme caramel* and many other delicious things!!!!!!! she told us, she can eat this night & day!! and it seems to me this will be a great idea!!!!!


* Posted Apr 21, 2014, 12:05 am Last edited Apr 21, 2014, 12:11 am by ipuenktchen [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

MARAND, Iran - 22nd April 2014

By: ipuenktchen

today the two couples and me, ZORRO, and my buddy ZIZZI went to marand, to see our friend back home after her surgery........ the day started with rain and ended with rain, but other time best weather!! on the road here and there nice green. we arrived at marand at 12 AM.  but woooooooow... what a welcome!!??!! FIVE DOGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! trembling with fear we entered the house!!! ok.... rescued..!!!!! later after lunch the dogs got tired and lazy!! - even some flowers had blooming recently, the nice honey suckle! and really - they haven't not only dogs but lions, too!!!!!!!!


* Posted Apr 22, 2014, 11:12 pm Last edited Apr 23, 2014, 4:36 am by ipuenktchen [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Tabriz, Iran - 24th April 2014

By: ipuenktchen

hi, dear followers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

today we were allowed to take part in ipue's kids class for german language and it was fun!! at the beginning as well as at the end they have the habit to play games.. for sure with learning german besides!! and today they were playing halligalli and it was so great for us, too, although the cards were quite large for us but we got successfull!!!!!


* Posted Apr 24, 2014, 2:07 pm [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Tabriz, Iran - 24th April 2014

By: ipuenktchen

hellooooooooooooooooo, leutzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!!!!

breaking news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
during this night from 24th to 25th april dear lili's parents came from ardabil to bring the baby's trousseau as her daughter is pregnant waiting for their baby after 3 months!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

wooooooow... what a great stuff!!!!!!!!!!!! lili & yasha were very excited and thankfull for all the efforts of lili's parents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so they can be relaxed coz everything is ready!!!!!!!!!!! the most nicest thing was a traditional cradle they ordered from a village as it was lili's dream to use smth like that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! great idea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

dear JORIS the 2nd was with us, excitedly waiting for his bros :-))))


* Posted Apr 27, 2014, 10:59 pm Last edited Apr 27, 2014, 11:10 pm by ipuenktchen [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

TABRIZ, Iran - 25th April 2014

By: ipuenktchen

helloooooooooooooo, leutzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!!!
lili_6789 and her hubby yashila_81 have guests from lili's hometown, her mom & dad & bros and his wife!! and so we were very busy :-))) they picked us up at noon to have lunch together, and we met our dear buddy JORIS the 2nd there!!!!!!

pls stay tuned for some pics of this meetup!!!

LATER we went to the new tabriz fish bazar, stunning of it's perfection!!! so yummy fish and others... from there we went to the new LALEH PARK shopping center, both nearby to yashila's, - what a crowd!!?! and here I met lots of my siblings in one of the shops!!!!!
LATER we went to the favorite place of ppl of tabriz: shahgoli park!! and there first we had a traditional soup from ardabil and then a traditional kind of dinner, potato with egg and butter and peppermint and tomatoes and cucumbers, mashed into a flat bread!

back home at 1 AM and VERYYYYYYYYYYY tired!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


* Posted Apr 26, 2014, 3:29 pm Last edited Apr 26, 2014, 6:57 pm by ipuenktchen [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

TABRIZ, IRAN - 29th April 2014

By: ipuenktchen

hey, leutzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!!!!!!!!!!!

today twice we didn't got allowed to take part - once in the morning, when ipue and her hubby got up early to buy a cake and hurried to the home of dear lili_6789 and yashila_81 to give their congratulations for their 4th wedding anniversary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  (they told us, it was too early....) :-((((( and the other event was in the eve and they told us, it was too late for little TVs like us........ tztztzzzzz... but during the day happy enough ipue took us with her to welcome her FC-buddy from AT!!!!!!!!!!! and we profited a lot from the sightseeing trip around the city, me and dear ZIZZI!!!!!

pls have a look!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - but it was such a windy weather today, so sometimes while posing for a pic we were falling down!! :-(((( believe it!!!!!!!!


* Posted May 1, 2014, 12:03 am Last edited May 1, 2014, 12:09 am by ipuenktchen [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Tabriz, Iran - 2nd May 2014

By: ipuenktchen

hey, leutzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!!!
step by step comes the beautiful spring with new flowers every day!!!!
here you can see the lilac!! we love it!!!!!!!!!!! we are so curious which one will be the next flower in ipue's yard!!?!


* Posted May 2, 2014, 4:57 pm Last edited May 2, 2014, 4:58 pm by ipuenktchen [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Tabriz, Iran - 3rd May 2014

By: ipuenktchen

heyyyyyyyyyy, everybodyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!
believe it, here are shops with nothing else but black fabrics!!!
and back home we have also black tulips!!!!!!!


* Posted May 3, 2014, 1:26 pm Last edited May 3, 2014, 1:27 pm by ipuenktchen [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

TEHRAN, IRAN - 4th May 2014

By: ipuenktchen

heyyyyyyyyyyyyy everybodyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!
last time when we had been in tehran, F.M.Baer and the playmos were with us, but this time I was with ZORRO_Zebra only, and it was great!!!! also great weather untill 28 degrees C, and clean weather also!!!!

on the road from tab to teh for the very first time we had a break around 3 AM at this mosque - normally the break is at zanjan, were ipue took pics often untill now...........

while ipue's hubby did his power nap at the hospital after his treatment it was ipue going by bus  to northern tehran for the fruit market at tajrish - she was looking for asparagus to prepare a special german food, and she found it, but this is another story for another day :-))))

she show us around and we had a look at the pilgrimage site there - through the fence only... because her hubby was waiting. a glance at the mountains around and also very interesting at a place for the water when snow is going melted.. then a fast stop at the post-office to send some postcrossing-cards!! and last but not least she show us in the *by far longest street of the world* with its more than 3.000 house-numbers straight from southern tehran to northern tehran the house-number 3.108, one of the last ones!!!! then we picked up her hubby and she profited to show us the funny traffic-light-men from tehran!!!! and ZIZZI asked for a pic!!

later everybody relaxed at the flat of ipue's son1, and there we found a great very usefull postcard-holder and ZIZZI had a pic with!! we must find it at nanu-nana, when we'll be in DE another time, and in the eve we had been again on the road back home to tabriz!!!


* Posted May 5, 2014, 8:53 am Last edited May 5, 2014, 8:58 am by ipuenktchen [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

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