Emjay's place, Delft, Netherlands - 28th December 2015
By: Emjay
This is Emjay's favorite news reader: Carmen Verheul. Yeah, she's cool!
Posted Jan 2, 2016, 1:27 pm Last edited Jan 2, 2016, 1:51 pm by Emjay
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Emjay's place, Delft, Netherlands - 28th December 2015
By: Emjay
What a great show! Millie and I send a picture of us to the studio, saying: "ToyVoyagers love Top 2000 too". And guess what? They showed it on television! Emjay tried to take a picture of the screen quickly, but it was gone too soon. Well mum, you have to believe me on my word then!
Posted Jan 2, 2016, 1:30 pm Last edited Jan 2, 2016, 1:51 pm by Emjay
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Emjay's place, Delft, Netherlands - 31st December 2015
By: Emjay
The final day of 2015, mum!
Kamille calls us together. She received a package and she's hopes her little sister is inside!
Posted Jan 2, 2016, 1:33 pm Last edited Jan 2, 2016, 1:51 pm by Emjay
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Emjay's place, Delft, Netherlands - 31st December 2015
By: Emjay
Yes, it's Dille! She's back from Russia to celebrate the last day of the year with her sister. She brought some sweets to share with all of us. I like her already! 
Posted Jan 2, 2016, 1:37 pm Last edited Jan 2, 2016, 1:52 pm by Emjay
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Emjay's place, Delft, Netherlands - 31st December 2015
By: Emjay
We're celebrating "Old Year's Eve" together. At twelve o'clock people light fireworks and we had a great view in the attic.
Posted Jan 2, 2016, 1:42 pm Last edited Jan 2, 2016, 1:52 pm by Emjay
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Emjay's place, Delft, Netherlands - 1st January 2016
By: Emjay
It's a tradition to eat "oliebollen" (literaly "oil balls") at Old Year's Eve and New Year's Day. We have our own ToyVoyager version.
Have a happy new year, mum!
your Aaron
Posted Jan 2, 2016, 1:48 pm
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Emjay's place, Delft, Netherlands - 14th February 2016
By: Emjay
Hi mum!
Just to wish you a happy Valentine's Day! I miss you! And Millie misses you too, although she hasn't met you yet. I've told her about you. Only good things, off course
I hope we will see you soon!
Aaron & Millie
Posted Feb 15, 2016, 10:04 am
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Emjay's place, Delft, Netherlands - 14th February 2016
By: Emjay
And this is how we spend Valentine's Day! I brought Millie flowers, off course. And afterward she gave a present to me: a heart shaped box with strawberries! Nice! But strawberries are still more delightful with whipped cream. Yummy!
Emjay gave us a present too. A chocolate cake. Wow, it was Death by Chocolate! Chocolate is more a girl thing. Still, I enjoyed it too!
Posted Feb 15, 2016, 5:12 pm
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Emjay's place, Delft, Netherlands - 24th February 2016
By: Emjay
Hi mum!
Just a quick note to tell you that we are enjoying an early spring together.
We hear you are in Thailand now! Great! Emjay has been there some years ago. Have a good time!
Millie and me hope to see you soon.
Posted Feb 24, 2016, 2:08 pm
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Emjay's place, Delft, Netherlands - 2nd March 2016
By: Emjay
Hi mum!
Millie and I have decided to come home! I'm looking forward to introducing her to you, mum! She is such a sweet girl. But not toooo sweet! I mean, she's not a girly-girl. She likes soccer, just like me!
So here are our last pictures from Delft. I will miss the place and Emjay. I had some great adventures, including visiting Stone Henge!
Our friends prepaired a great farewell party for us. They had some Dutch sweets called "drop". It's an acquired taste, I must say! But Millie and I were brave and ate some. Very salty!
Posted Mar 2, 2016, 12:14 pm
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Emjay's place, Delft, Netherlands - 2nd March 2016
By: Emjay
After the "drop" party I showed Millie her new hometown: Beijing.
I used the pictures you took of Emjay's TV Slowly-Slowly. Millie thought Beijing looks beautiful. And she says she will feel at home right away. Especially when I'm with her. Isn't that sweet?
We'll see you soon, mum!
Big hug,
Aaron & Millie
Posted Mar 2, 2016, 12:22 pm
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Dajue Temple, Beijing, China - 2nd April 2016
By: goomymia
I finally got home with Millie!
Today is the second day of Qingming holiday, it's a bit like the Hollaween of western
Qing Ming is traditionally a time for families to travel to the family tomb to sweep, clean and place flowers or other memorials on the grave site. A day of commemoration for dead ancestors, Qing Ming also celebrates the oncoming spring. So it’s a day about remembering the past but also celebrating the future. So Aaron and I decided to go to a temple and watch flowers blossom!
According to a stele at the temple, Dajue Temple was first built in 1068 during the Liao Dynasty and called Qingshui Temple, after a stream that ran through the temple grounds. It was later renamed Lingquan Temple, and after being rebuilt in 1428 during the Ming Dynasty, was given its present name, "Dajue Temple."The temple went through renovations in 1720 and 1747. It contains three main halls, a gate, a pagoda and various side halls.
Here are the photos we took.
Posted Apr 14, 2016, 6:52 am Last edited Apr 14, 2016, 6:59 am by goomymia
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