Grand Junction, Colorado, USA - 15th April 2008
By: wourpet
The weather has stayed rather cool so we haven't gone out much but today I got to go for a ride in the truck. Wourpet even gave me my very own chair to sit in so I would be secure and able to see through the windsheild.
We drove around town and I watched for fresh signs of spring and tender new leaves.
Even though it was cloudy I could still see the mountains all around the valley.
Posted Apr 20, 2008, 6:51 am
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Grand Junction, Colorado, USA - 17th April 2008
By: wourpet
Well here's the whole lot of us. It was a great day outside so we have been out loading twigs and leaves into the wagon. Once we get some piled in wourpet lets us all hop in and have a ride.
Its been very windy so the spring cleanup is taking forever because the twigs keep blowing off the trees. But that means more wagon rides so bye -- gotta get back out ther.
Posted Apr 20, 2008, 6:54 am
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Grand Junction, Colorado, USA - 25th April 2008
By: wourpet
Today a new Toy Voyager arrived from California. Snuffles has been traveling to some cool places and he had a journal with all of his adventures. There were lots of very interesitng pictures that he showed us.
Afterwards Wourpet took a picture of all of us together because Mittens and Coney are both leaving tomorrow. Mittens is going to Russia. Coney is going back to Ft Bragg to do some more training in the Army and then he is going to Afghanistan.
Posted Apr 28, 2008, 1:52 am Last edited May 5, 2008, 6:13 am by wourpet
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Miami, Florida, USA - 7th May 2008
By: carlissa
I met Ossa today and she invited me to dinner and a movie!
We had Cuban-style picadillo and rice for dinner:
After dinner, we watched The Golden Compass:
We enjoyed the movie very much! Afterwards, Ossa introduced me to Snowshoe, the cat and we had a nice chat:
Posted May 8, 2008, 10:24 pm
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Miami, Florida, USA - 10th May 2008
By: carlissa
Decker the lion arrived today from Russia! We visited with him outside and shared some cookies.

Posted May 10, 2008, 5:46 pm
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Miami, Florida, USA - 11th May 2008
By: carlissa
Today is Mother's Day! We got up early to make banana pancakes for our host.
First, we gathered all the ingredients that we will need:
We mixed up the batter and then cooked the pancakes in a pan. The pancakes turned out to be very delicious!
Happy Mother's Day!
Posted May 11, 2008, 2:08 pm
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Emerald Acres, Miami, USA - 11th May 2008
By: carlissa
This afternoon, Decker and I went to Emerald Acres Stable with our host and her daughters. I had already been there, but I had told Decker about all the animals there and he wanted me to introduce him to some of them.
Here we are with Tigger:
Posted May 12, 2008, 6:33 pm
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Miami, Florida, USA - 12th May 2008
By: carlissa
Decker, Ossa, and I went for a bike ride around the neighborhood with our host.
Here we are in the basket of the bike:
We rode around for awhile, then we came to a pretty little fountain:
Posted May 12, 2008, 6:40 pm
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Miami, Florida, USA - 16th May 2008
By: carlissa
Decker and I made some freshly squeezed Florida orange juice this morning! Decker gathered up all the oranges while I used the juicer.
Yum, there is nothing better than fresh orange juice in the morning!
Posted May 16, 2008, 1:15 pm
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Orangevale, Ca, USA - 11th July 2008
By: magickzzl
I have finaly arrived in California! Appearently Izzy's mail is slow, will have to complain to the post office about this! So first thing we did when I arrived was go to the giant super furniture store IKEA! We ate and walked around for hours, and guess what? the batteries died on the camera! Bummer! I will promptly smack this new host for you mom. 
Posted Jul 12, 2008, 10:25 pm
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