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To cross america (USA and Canada) from east to west

to visit at least 12 european monuments

to visit 6 countries in Asia and Australia

to have fun in 5 theme parks (like disney, six flags ...)

to eat 10 vegetarian food

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Travelog for: Tortilla

Arras, France - 23rd January 2008

By: Fleurdunord

here is Tortilla, probably going to travel soon ...


* Posted Jan 23, 2008, 1:07 pm [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Arras, France - 28th January 2008

By: Fleurdunord

Tortilla is flying today to Germany. She was very exited and was busy packing, getting her passport ...
She plans to discover Brunei after germany.
If anyone would like to welcome Tortilla after, please pm me ... i'll be happy to welcome some toys too ...

* Posted Jan 28, 2008, 6:51 pm [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

flying to Germany, between France and Germany - 29th January 2008

By: Fleurdunord

just to update Tortilla's travels plan :
1. Germany
2. Brunei
3. Texas

anyone to be Tortilla's host after ?

* Posted Jan 29, 2008, 5:37 pm [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Essen, Germany - 4th February 2008

By: BlackCat

Hello mum,

I arrived safety today at Fabi's home. She has to take me at the post office, because the post man was too stupid to use the door bell, but I am here now.
Fabi doesn't feel well today, so we decided to stay at home. I think there will be some photos very soon!
But now I am tired and I will sleep for some hours.
I will write you when I wake up!

Have a nice day,

* Posted Feb 4, 2008, 10:29 am [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Essen, Germany - 4th February 2008

By: BlackCat

Hello mum,

I arrived safety. But I was a little afraid because there was a dog welcome me.
I was so afraid and first I don't want to come out.
But then Fabi (my host) said, that I should come out.
So I looked out and saw the dog. He introduced himself as Wauzi, a homestayed Toy Voyager.

So I came out and we talked a lot. It was allready late, so we decided to go to bed.
It was a great welcome :)!

Love you,

* Posted Feb 6, 2008, 3:08 am [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Essen, Germany - 5th February 2008

By: BlackCat

Hello mum,

today we stayed at home because Fabi (my host) is ill. She didn't want to go out. So we made us some food and watched TV.
Later, we decided to play Monopoly. I was really good, mum. I had a lot of money and a lot of streets. It was funny.
We also made some photos of it. I hope you like them :)! Can you see how much fun it was?
Hopefully we will play again. It was a funny game.
We have no plans for tomorrow until now, but maybe we will go out. The weather is bad at the moment but we hope all, that it will turn better.

Have a nice day, mum,
yours Tortilla

* Posted Feb 6, 2008, 3:11 am [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Essen, Germany - 14th February 2008

By: BlackCat

Hello mum,

today we went to the Ruhr - a river here in Essen :)!
We saw a lot of animals :)! It was such a nice day.
We have some new visitors here: Chokito and Davy! Fabi wants to show us her city and her favourite places. So we went to the Ruhr, where her favourite place is!
Here are some photos:
A swan ^^
The Ruhr :)
A deer - it is far away, but we all saw it :)!
We are all in Fabi's backpack in front of the Ruhr
Can you see me?! :)
Here I am sitting on a fence :)! It was a nice view.
Nice photos, or?! :) We had a lot of fun :)!
Have a nice day,

* Posted Feb 15, 2008, 8:50 am [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Essen, Germany - 14th February 2008

By: BlackCat

Hello mummy,

after the visit at the Ruhr we went to the old city part of 'Recklinghausen' (a part of Essen).
There we saw the old train station. But there was no real station, there was a shop and a monument for the station.
Here we are sitting on the monument.
I'm climbing up, can you see?!
What a nice place :)!
An old church :)! It was a nice view.

Have a nice day,

* Posted Feb 15, 2008, 8:53 am [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Essen, Germany - 20th February 2008

By: BlackCat

Hello mummy,

a lot of other toy voyagers arrived here the last days.
Here you can see me with my new friend Josh! We are the smallest ones here :)!

Here you can see us :)! We have a lot of fun together :)!
You can see Chokito, me, Wauzi, Josh, Davy and [/tv]Bullet[/tv]!

Have a wonderful day mummy,

* Posted Feb 24, 2008, 3:34 pm [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Remscheid, Essen - 21st February 2008

By: BlackCat

Hello :)!

We visited a friend of Fabi today. Her friend is named Vanessa and she has a sweet and friendly dog. I was allowed to play with Vanessa's hat and in her bed. We had a lot of fun. And we make some nice pictures:


It was such a funny day and I was really tired after that ;)!

Have a nice day mummy,

* Posted Feb 24, 2008, 3:57 pm Last edited Feb 24, 2008, 3:58 pm by BlackCat [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Bruchsal, Germany - 28th March 2008

By: fam-united

Hi mummy,

I just wanted to let you know, that I arrived in Bruchsal. Petra is really busy, but we all wanted her to get in contact with our family before the human guests arrive. Petra told us, that her daughter celebrates her birthday today, altough her birthday was in December. It seems to be a funny family.

Bye, Tortilla





* Posted Mar 28, 2008, 1:19 pm [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Bruchsal, Germany - 29th March 2008

By: fam-united

Hurray!!! Hurray!!!

We had a little party today!!!

We had some snacks and water to drink and a lot to laugh about, of course. Dogs became friends with cats, a turtle with a kangaroo, a monkey with a moose and more.

We played with a big and a small ball and we learned how to play the card game "Mau Mau".

Didn't the table look nice?

Mingus Moose prefered to sit on the ballon.

(Playmo)Bill decided to not eat anything, because he was afraid to be too thick for his hobby.

Bullet wanted all the peanuts for himself.

Coco first had been a bit sad, because there was no honey on the table, but she liked the gouda then.

How did (Playmo)Bill come to that peanut? Maybe he asked Mingus Moose???

HolidayHarry had been really thirsty after eating a lot of sweets.

Florence is very hungry and wants to try a chocolate banana muffin.

Pebbels thought, that the Harry Potter muffin looked nice. It was a muffin with blueberries. Curly took the chocolate banana muffin too.

Amara Anthea tried a muffin american style, just on with chocolate drops.

AliG seemed to play the detective. What did he expect to find out today???

Do you see how happy Josh and me look with this dish filled with gummi bears?

Chokito, Davy and Schnuffi shared another Harry Potter muffin.

Only Hasi prefered something healthy - she wanted to eat a carrot.

Tilda hadn't been sure, whether she should try a "nimm 2 " or whether it is better to eat a carrot too.

Then we started playing with balls. At first we choose the Australian ball, but it was so big, that the little toyvoyager among us had big problems.



Later we decided to use a table tennis ball, which of course is much easier to play with.





At last we learned how to play "Mau Mau".




Our first winner was: Chokito

Second place: Bullet

Third place: Hasi

Fourth place: Pebbels


* Posted Mar 29, 2008, 6:34 pm [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Bruchsal, Germany - 1st April 2008

By: fam-united

Today was one of the rare sunny days. Petra came home from school and packed her rucksack to show us some places in Bruchsal. She didn't have so much time for it, because she had to go back to school for a teachers' meeting.

Here you see the backfront of the palace.

This is the Feldkirchle (field chapel)

Next to the Feldkirchle (field chapel) you see this cross
and these beautiful flowers

* Posted Apr 9, 2008, 7:56 pm [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Bruchsal, Germany - 4th April 2008

By: fam-united

Today it's time for baking cakes for my host's mum's birthday. She is 70 years now and Petra was asked to bake two cakes: Donauwellenkuchen (Danube waves cake) and Zebrakuchen (zebra cake). Petra decided to bake a surprise cake too, with a part of the Happy Birthday song.

We sat all together watching and helping Petra with preparing the dough.


So here are the photos with me. If you are interested in recipes, I can try to ask Petra to write them here or send them to you.







Petra's daughter took me outside for a short walk


You see, I'm not that fast.

Do you see me? Petra thought, that she put everyone in the right position, but she must have forgotten me!!!



Finally the cakes are ready

The nougat cream cake:
only the words "Happy birthday" have to be put on the cake now.

The Zebra-cake

Somehow we miss the last photo of the Danube waves cake, the one with the cherries.

* Posted Apr 10, 2008, 11:53 am [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Bruchsal, Germany - 12th April 2008

By: fam-united

Today Kari arrived at home again and he told us a lot about Australia. Now I know, that Kira1997 send him to my host family as a present for their daughter some years ago. He wanted to see them again, so he decided to go to Australia as a toyvoyager.



* Posted Apr 27, 2008, 12:02 pm [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

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