Somewhere in Toronto, Canada - 30th May 2008
By: AbbyB
My name is Synapse, and I'm a travelling brain cell.
I am currently situated in a warehouse in Toronto, but soon I will be packaged up and sent to BC to meet my new owner, Abby.
As I am a brain cell, I would like to learn as much as possible, about different cultures and home-lives, and learn the history of everywhere I visit.
Please take care of me if I visit you. I'm a little nervous; usually when I go anywhere it is with millions of my friends, but I have decided to be a brave little cell and see the world for myself.
Posted May 30, 2008, 9:42 pm Last edited May 31, 2008, 4:53 am by AbbyB
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Somewhere in Maple Ridge, Canada - 9th June 2008
By: AbbyB
I am currently in the general vicinity of my new owner's house, but I am locked up in a truck somewhere. Hopefully I will be able to meet my new owner tomorrow.
Posted Jun 10, 2008, 5:06 am
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Port Moody, BC, Canada - 11th June 2008
By: AbbyB
Tonight I went to the athletic banquet at Abby's school. They were presenting awards to twenty-eight teams.
Abby was a little upset that she wasn't recognized for her cross country coaching, but her rugby team made up for it by giving her flowers; the entire team also received medals for doing so well this year. I got to try it on.
And what pretty flowers!
There was also a barbeque, but there was so much going on that Abby forgot to take a picture of me enjoying my food.
Posted Jun 12, 2008, 9:49 pm
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Port Coquitlam, BC, Canada - 13th June 2008
By: AbbyB
Later in the day, we went to the hair salon, where Abby's best friend was cutting a bunch of her hair off to donate to an organization that makes wigs for cancer patients. Look at how much she cut off!

Posted Jun 14, 2008, 5:00 am
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Vancouver, BC, Canada - 14th June 2008
By: AbbyB
Today I got to attend a very special event, Abby's commencement.
We went for dinner first, at the Old Spaghetti Factory, in Gastown. The menu at each location is different, and has historical facts about the area on it.
These are all the locations. Abby says that one day she'd like to visit all of them, but she's only been to five so far.
Then, we went to the Orpheum, where the ceremony was to take place. The Orpheum was opened in 1927, and when it first opened, it was the largest theatre in Canada. It was bought by teh city in 1974 and refurbished, and is now the permanent home to the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra. Abby forgot to tell anyone to take pictures of me in the theatre, but her sister was kind enough to do it.
Finally the ceremony started. There Abby is, with the choir. She's actually out front singing. She doesn't want to toot her own horn, but she's very proud of herself, and you can watch the YouTube video here.
Here I am with her graduation certificate, composite photo and hat.

Posted Jun 15, 2008, 11:09 pm
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Maple Ridge, BC, Canada - 16th June 2008
By: AbbyB
Today I learned about the sorts of things that grow in the Pacific Northwest.
Abby said that this year was a really good year for rhododendrons, and that they were everywhere a few weeks ago. They also ahve some lilac-coloured ones, but they are not as pretty as they were.
Look at the size of these leaves!
Oh hello. These gnomes are all over the front garden, and apparently every single one is named Smedvik.
Can you see me?
One solitary daisy
Strawberry plants
I climbed lots of trees. It was a little difficult, because I don't have limbs, only dendrites, but I managed.
A maple
A ginkgo
An apple
And a fig
Abby's family grows vegetables too, but it's a little early in the season for much. This is their assorted lettuce patch.
Help! I'm being eaten by a fish!
Haha, just kidding.
Tomorrow I am off to Montreal for a week with Abby's best friend. Abby made me a little tag, just in case I get lost. She tied it around my myelin sheath, but not too tightly, because she doesn't want to interfere with any impulses I might have.
PS: Neil, both Abby and I are liking how the new layout is looking. Good job!
Posted Jun 16, 2008, 11:04 pm
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Montreal, Quebec, Canada - 30th June 2008
By: AbbyB
Posted Jun 30, 2008, 8:14 am Last edited Jun 30, 2008, 7:55 pm by AbbyB
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Montreal, Quebec, Canada - 30th June 2008
By: AbbyB
Posted Jun 30, 2008, 9:27 am Last edited Jun 30, 2008, 7:57 pm by AbbyB
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