Thessaloniki, Greece - 14th March 2009
By: vickyp
Posted Mar 14, 2009, 10:51 am Last edited Mar 14, 2009, 10:57 am by vickyp
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Vääksy, Finland - 24th March 2009
By: sirkku-susanna
Hi Mom!
I arrived here in Finland yesterday. In this picture i'm with my new friend Droopy. He wants to be a toyvoyager too, but still waiting for his journey. 
Posted Mar 24, 2009, 5:39 pm
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Vääksy, Finland - 24th March 2009
By: sirkku-susanna
Here is picture of me in balcony of my new host Susanna. As you can see, there is still lots of snow here in southern Finland.
Posted Mar 24, 2009, 5:45 pm
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Vääksy, Finland - 24th March 2009
By: sirkku-susanna
And mom look what I found in Susanna's bedroom. A violin!!! Susanna can't play it , but her late grandfather play in different kind of partys. I write more when I get settled. Take care while I'm traveling.
Love: Mortimer
Posted Mar 24, 2009, 5:54 pm Last edited Mar 24, 2009, 5:56 pm by sirkku-susanna
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Vääksy, Finland - 29th March 2009
By: sirkku-susanna
Hi Mom!
I already feel quite home here with Susanna. I miss you though. Well today weather was nice, not sunny but warm and we went to a long walk on ice nearby lake. You can see me climing in canes. That was fun. And when I get tired, I sit on ice. On that third picture you can see how small I am and how big is the lake. But I was not afraid at all because Susanna was with me.
After we come from our walk, Susanna make some hot chocolate and some cakes. I peek in cake box and those cake sure look good and were good. I can tell.
And then Susanna let my listen to some relaxing music on her headphones. So I have very nice Sunday indeed. Next tuesday Susanna take me with her to library, where she works. Can't wait. Untill then take care mom.
Yours: Mortimer
Posted Mar 29, 2009, 1:56 pm Last edited Mar 29, 2009, 2:12 pm by sirkku-susanna
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Vääksy, Finland - 1st April 2009
By: sirkku-susanna
Hello Mom!
Today I went to work with Susanna. She works in Lahti city public library, in music department. And mom, there was lots and lots of CD's. Susanna told me that they have about 40 000 CD's all together. At the pictures you see me on CD shelves.
And when I wondered around I found, yes, as you can see real piano. They have two pianorooms in music department. And customers can go there and practise.
Well now we back home and I'm goig to relax after work. I write you soon.
Yours: Mortimer
Posted Apr 1, 2009, 5:50 pm
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Vääksy, Finland - 6th April 2009
By: sirkku-susanna
Hi Mom!
I have been very busy little mouse. I have worked with Susanna every day. Well at least helped her. And when we are at home I have played with my new friend Veskari the cat. He is very friendly cat. But sometimes he gets too "wild". He is just a kitten you see. But Susanna keep an eye on us so we become good friends.
Yeasterday we have a special day. On Palm Sunday witches come to our door. Not real witches but children dressed like witches. They make a little "spell" and give us decorated branch from willow tree.
That way we have good luck for the rest of year. We "pay" them with chocolate eggs.
Next weekend is Easter and we gonna eat lots of chocolate eggs.
Take care Mom
Yours: Mortimer
Posted Apr 6, 2009, 12:30 pm
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Vääksy, Finland - 13th April 2009
By: sirkku-susanna
Hi Mom!
We have very nice Easter. Hope you have lovely Easter too . Weather was not good so we did'nt go out much. But we eat well and relax. In these pictures you can see me with Easter decorations. And like I wrote last time lots of chocolate eggs. In last picture you can see me with Finnish delicacy "mämmi". And mom it looks and smells like...( I won't say it because I'm nice little mouse ). Me and Susanna didn't eat mämmi, but Susanna's boyfriend loves it. I write again soon.
Yours: Mortimer
Posted Apr 13, 2009, 5:03 pm
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Vääksy, Finland - 23rd April 2009
By: sirkku-susanna
Hello Mom!
I'm sorry I haven't write for a while. My host Susanna has been ill. She has bad could. So we haven't done much. She has been resting and drinking hot tea. Now she is much better and she promised that we go and see something interesting next monday. Can't wait...So I write next monday. Have a nice weekend!
Yours: Mortimer
PS: I'm glad I didn't get that flu.
Posted Apr 23, 2009, 9:25 pm
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Vääksy, Finland - 25th April 2009
By: sirkku-susanna
Just want to tell you, I have new friend. New TV arrived yesterday. His name is MrCoolHH and he loves red things. Write you more monday.
Yours: Mortimer
Posted Apr 25, 2009, 5:10 pm
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Vääksy, Finland - 28th April 2009
By: sirkku-susanna
Hi Mom!
Yesterday we went to Lahti city; me, MrCoolHH and Susanna. We went to see quite famous concert hall: Sibelius Hall. In pictures you can see us front of Sibelius Hall. And inside too. We sneak in, although it's forbidden to take photos there. And that's a reason why we didn't go to real concert. In concerts it's stricktly forbidden to take pictures. Sibelius Hall is located at passenger harbour at Vesijärvi lake. Here is picture of harbour too. Yesterday was very funny day. Hope everything is fine at home.
Yours: Mortimer
Posted Apr 28, 2009, 6:27 pm
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Vääksy, Finland - 3rd May 2009
By: sirkku-susanna
Hi Mom!
Today is my last day with Susanna. That's why we went to see that same lake, which was covered with ice only little over month ago. And we take walks on ice. It's hard to believe, when you look the lake now.
Tomorrow I continue my journey. I write you when I get to my next host. Susanna says hi! Take care
Yours: Mortimer
Posted May 3, 2009, 7:28 pm
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Kellinghusen, Germany - 7th May 2009
By: babyamy
Hey Mum,
I arrived at my new host! I even have the chocolate bar sirkku-susanna gave me for my journey.
Suddenly two other TVs came and wanted to grab the chocolate! This is how I met Darth Vader and Alizée.
Then Katrin, my new host came and took the chocolate away from us. She said that it is already late and we all need to catch some sleep. I hope, I can fulfill some missions soon. Katrin says she has already an idea...

Posted May 7, 2009, 8:57 pm
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Hoeb4U, Hamburg, Germany - 11th May 2009
By: babyamy
Posted May 13, 2009, 8:17 pm Last edited May 18, 2009, 8:44 pm by babyamy
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