Vilnius, Lithuania - 16th March 2009
By: Pamela
Hi, I'm a cool guy. Like to drink beer, eat a lot (but I'm not fat . I like nice girls, sport, rock music and travelling. I wish to get out from Vilnius, because I know many interesting things are waiting for me!
Don't hesitate to write pm to my mentor, if you want to host me 
Posted Mar 16, 2009, 3:50 pm Last edited Mar 18, 2009, 7:58 pm by Pamela
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Vilnius, Lithuania - 18th March 2009
By: Pamela
Today is a big day. I got an invitation to visit Brazil!!! Yes yes, nobody in da house has ever been to Brazil, but I'm not nobody! I'm Kazys
Uhh, I'll travel across the Atlantic Ocean... a long journey. One more look at the mirror (I hope Brazil girls will be crazy about me ), brush my teeth and give a kiss to my cat (she is crazy about me )
Posted Mar 18, 2009, 7:54 pm Last edited Mar 18, 2009, 7:56 pm by Pamela
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São Paulo, Brazil - 31st March 2009
By: aleoliva86
Great news, I have arrived in Brazil!
My host is very nice, she already took my picture by the fridge like you asked!
Viskas gerai!
Posted Mar 31, 2009, 11:48 pm
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São Paulo, Brazil - 4th April 2009
By: aleoliva86
Hey Mom
Sometimes Ale doesnt update me because she has this big end of course thesis she has to work on. She is in the last 2 months of college, she will be an Economist!
Posted Apr 11, 2009, 4:03 pm Last edited Apr 11, 2009, 4:04 pm by aleoliva86
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Vinhedo, SP, Brazil - 5th April 2009
By: aleoliva86
Hey Mom
The other day we went to a nearby town, and had lunch at this cool restaurant. Everything in there was made with peppers! I even had a drink with red berries and peppers and a pineapple with pink peppers juice. But Ale didnt let me drink to much of the first one, because it had alcohol and she didnt want me to get dizzy in the way back home.
Posted Apr 9, 2009, 10:31 pm
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São Paulo, Brazil - 10th April 2009
By: aleoliva86
this morning we had breakfast at mcdonalds. I loved it!
It happened today, the 11th, not yesterday 10th, but Ale wanted it to be shown first.
Posted Apr 11, 2009, 3:53 pm
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São Paulo, Brazil - 11th April 2009
By: aleoliva86
After Mcdonalds I talked a little with the house pet, Tomás. He is very nice! And I also talked to Raul, the fish, but he is not very talkative, I wonder if he didnt like me! I guess he is just shy!
I hope my cat doesnt get jealous back in Lithuania!
Posted Apr 11, 2009, 3:41 pm
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São Paulo, Brazil - 11th April 2009
By: aleoliva86
After talking to the pets, Ale had to do some laundry, so she took me with her. She had washed some stuffed toys the day before, thats why they are up hanging in the ceiling thing.
Oh, and she also showed me something very funny... And its private, so dont tell anyone! Its her fake boobs! She told me she wears them to go out at night, they are perfect. Im very embarassed hihihi, this crazy woman...
Posted Apr 11, 2009, 3:49 pm
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São Paulo , Brazil - 11th April 2009
By: aleoliva86
Hey Mom
After mcdonalds, pets and laundry, Ale wanted to read me a story. She read to me this comics book for children, she told me it is very popular here. It played a big role in her childhood, she had an entire closet full of those! It is called Turma da Monica, this little gang is so popular that they have many things with their name, such as apples, jellies, toys, diapers, they even have an amusement park!
Posted Apr 11, 2009, 4:00 pm
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São Paulo, Brazil - 12th April 2009
By: aleoliva86
Ale took us to the groceries store to see the chocolate easter eggs they have in there. They are hanging on every aisle! And yep, a man came in and told her she isnt allowed to take pics in there so I guess she will just have to be more discrete next time with other toys! Everything is so colorful, can you find me in every picture?
She also showed me her building, the green one, and the avenue right next to it.
Posted Apr 12, 2009, 4:10 pm
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São Paulo , Brazil - 17th April 2009
By: aleoliva86
I am so happy today. Ale gave me a T shirt of Brazil, I am number 10 now!!! I will never be cold again! In the first picture you can see Caio and his twin brother, who will be released in the wild soon. Caio is the one who gave me his shirt! In the second pic is Ales mom stitching the back. Third and fourth pics is me thinking "WOW, I am so handsome!" and in the last picture is me trying to sleep. I was actually not being able to sleep, I was thinking over and over "I am so damn sexy, will my mom recognize me when I get home?"
Posted Apr 18, 2009, 1:54 am Last edited Apr 18, 2009, 1:55 am by aleoliva86
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Serra Negra, SP, Brazil - 20th April 2009
By: aleoliva86
Here in Brazil if a holiday falls on a tuesday, nobody goes to work on monday, we call it to "do the bridge". And thats what happened today! Tomorrow is a holiday, so today we went to a nearby town called Serra Negra, which is very high on a mountain. It was very nice! I even rode a toy horse!!
Oh gosh only now i noticed....can you find a funny, funny sponge bob on these pictures?
Posted Apr 21, 2009, 12:08 am Last edited Apr 21, 2009, 12:16 am by aleoliva86
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São Paulo , Brazil - 14th May 2009
By: aleoliva86
Hi mom
Ale is very sorry for not updating for so long. She has just been very busy now that its her last term in college. But thats about to change, she will take me places on the weekend!!
here are some pics. I played the Wii! I drank some milk while she was writing this. And I remanaged the letters on her fridge when she was out, haha! And we also received some toyvoyagers her friend is hosting.
We also saw you image reflected on the microwave (the last pic)
more updates soon! (i mean it! )
Posted May 14, 2009, 4:36 pm
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São Paulo , Brazil - 16th May 2009
By: aleoliva86
Hey mom!
Today Ale showed me her neighborhood. Ale found out that there was a piece of the sidewalk here like this, in the first picture. This sidewalk is very common here, it is present on many streets in the center of the city, because it has the shape of the state of Sao Paulo. So the first pic of all is a map of the country so that you can see this shape.
Tomorrow Ale will take me to the beauty salloon with her!
Posted May 16, 2009, 6:54 pm Last edited May 16, 2009, 7:05 pm by aleoliva86
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