Essen, Germany - 26th June 2009
By: BlackCat
Since Monday I was alone here. But then BlackCat came in with an envelope and said, that I am not alone anymore.
I opened the envelope and there was someone inside...
It is Benny ! Welcome here Benny.

Posted Jul 1, 2009, 10:27 pm Last edited Jul 1, 2009, 10:31 pm by BlackCat
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Essen, Germany - 1st July 2009
By: BlackCat
BlackCat got some postcards today. A lot postcards, because her mum brought her some from her holiday in Bavaria.
Benny and I had fun looking at them.
BlackCat is sorry for not updating so much, but she promised, that we will do something nice on Sunday with a friend of her. We will see some musicians. I am scared, because she said there will be a lot people. But we will see !
Posted Jul 1, 2009, 10:30 pm
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Essen, Germany - 20th July 2009
By: BlackCat
Sorry for not updating so long...first we had no time to go somewhere and now when we went away at the weekend, the camera didn't work ! But now it is fixed again and BlackCat hopes to go out with us this week again ! Will show you the photos, then!
Posted Jul 20, 2009, 3:25 pm
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