Essen, Germany - 3rd November 2011
By: BlackCat
Believe it or not, but today a new toyvoyager arrived here...BubbleGum is his name and he is a little bear...and again a new face and a big welcome...I really hate it.
Posted Nov 16, 2011, 2:46 am
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Essen, Germany - 8th November 2011
By: BlackCat
Today was the day of a lot Goodbyes.
First we said Goodbye to Sanji, SamSam and Ceryni.
And then to Merembe!
Posted Nov 16, 2011, 4:01 am
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Essen, Germany - 14th November 2011
By: BlackCat
Today we welcomed Vanilla at BlackCats home. It wasn't an easy day for BlackCat as one of her budgies had to go over the rainbow bridge...but he was really ill, so BlackCat deals with it. I hope she will be more happy in the next days so we can go out again. But she already told us that she has a lot prepartions to be done because on Saturday is her birthday. So I guess we will help her with that.
Posted Nov 16, 2011, 4:51 am
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Essen, Germany - 15th November 2011
By: BlackCat
Today we welcomed 2 other ToyVoyagers. They were at a host for some months already and BlackCat contacted her through Email and now she has the toys with her. I hope we'll have fun with Luke and Bumba.
Posted Nov 16, 2011, 4:55 am
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Essen, Germany - 26th November 2011
By: BlackCat
...and again she forced me to go with them and I had to look at a truck with the writing "Coca Cola" on it...how crazy are the people here?
I am still angry...
Posted Dec 9, 2011, 10:53 pm
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Essen, Germany - 8th December 2011
By: BlackCat
today a new toy arrived...again...Ele...
I really hope I can leave here soon. So much toys...
Posted Dec 16, 2011, 1:53 am
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Essen, Germany - 18th December 2011
By: BlackCat
Today it snowed...just a bit...but it looked bad ! I hate snow. Really. Good that it melted away really fast.
Posted Jan 9, 2012, 12:10 am
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