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Travelog for: JBF Bear

Vienna, Schönbrunn, Austria - 28th November 2013

By: Mausbären

Hi there!

Today we went to Schönbrunn Palace and the Christmas Parket in front of it.

This palace is where the Emperor used to live, when Austria was a large kingdom. It looks very nice, even though it was meant to be pink :)

At the Christmas market it was very cold, so we drank a Punsch, which is a warm cocktail, made out of tea, and spices and juices and a hint of alcohol maybe...it is really yummy. :)

The market was nice too. Ereything they sell is handmade, and makes a really nice christmas decoration :)

I also played with a child. She wanted me to keep her company, so I did, and we became friends soon :)


* Posted Nov 28, 2013, 2:10 pm [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Stift Göttweig, Austria - 25th April 2015

By: Mausbären

Long time no see!

Today I went to Stift Göttweig, which is a really impressive monastery in Austria. It was founded in 1084  - which makes it of course very old.

In order to get there you habe to climb a mountain - but that was not much of a problem for me - as we took the car  ;)

We made a little tour though the castle. I was really in awe of the statues of the saints - they looked so close to life, that they sometimes were quite intimitating.

Another very intersting aspect of the monastery was that it had lots of features, which were not really "built in", but only "painted on" - so the church has two clock towers, but only one of them has a real clock. The clock on the other tower is only a painting. The same is true for some of the windows. Apparently it was really important to maintain the symmetry of the building.

I enjoyed our visit a lot!

See you soon!


* Posted Apr 25, 2015, 8:10 pm [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Prater, Vienna, Austria - 1st May 2015

By: Mausbären

Happy worker's day!

The 1st of May in Austria is traditionally a day to honor the workers. It is also tradition to go the Prater - so we did  :D

The Prater is a theme park, which was built more than a hundred years ago for a world exhibition. While a lot of the attractions have changed quite a lot, you can find one very famous ride which has stayed the same since the exhibition in 1897 - the Viennese Giant Wheel  :D

We took a ride with the Grottenbahn - which requires one to be very brave, since it is basically you riding on a dragon into its cave. There the dragon tells you about different fairy tales. We were told about little red riding hood, and snow white. I enjoyed myseld quite a lot, and am happy to say that I've become friends with the dragon!


* Posted May 2, 2015, 7:23 am [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Vienna, Austria - 1st June 2015

By: Mausbären


Today we've been going for a nice little walk. We did not get too far, but there are still some pictures I really want to share.

The first one is just us traveling in the underground. Actually the Viennese Underground System is kind of famous, because it is featured in a popular movie called "der 3.Mann". In this movie secret agents chase each other through this system - so that is kind of cool  B)

Next we went to see the Haus des Meeres (House of the Seas) which is an aquarium. It was originally an air raid shelter in WW2 and is a reminder of the horrors of war.

The last thing I want to show you are the Ampelmännchen. On the traffic lights in Vienna you can now find happy couples, instead of the usual lonely traveler. I think that this is very nice.

JBF Bear


* Posted Jun 9, 2015, 7:46 pm [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Ysper Klamm, Maria Taferl, Austria - 9th June 2015

By: Mausbären

Today I was exploring the Ysper Klamm in Lower Austria.

A Klamm is a gorge, and it was just beautiful. As it was a very hot day, we did not stay too long - even though the air that was cooled by the waterfalls made the heat more bearable.

Afterwards we also went to Maria Taferl, which is a little village, which is located at the top of a hill. From up there you can enjoy the most beautiful sight.  :D


* Posted Jun 9, 2015, 7:30 pm [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Mayaro , Trinidad - 25th October 2022

By: Eshara

JBF has finally made it back home to Trinidad after a long stay in Austria with the beautiful mausbären, who took such excellent care of him!

Here's his last adventure:

Dear Mum,
Before my journey back home, I decided to once more go to the playground and climb – I really enjoy climbing immensely, even though it might not be my strongest skill. The girls yousee in the background are some of my bestest friends here – I really enjoy to play with them.
I’m also soooooo looking forward to coming back home soon!

JBF Bear



* Posted Oct 7, 2022, 1:48 am Last edited Oct 7, 2022, 2:02 am by Eshara [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

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