Home , Singapore - 4th April 2011
By: Erulisse
It took awhile (as I am usually too busy eating) but I finally became an official ToyVoyager! My mentor, Erulisse, brings me around whenever she goes to a new place for a meal. Am lucky that I'm living in Singapore - there's many different types of food available. However, am sure nothing beats dining a certain type of cuisine in the country of origin. That will be one of my life missions - I can't wait to fulfill it!
Here are some photos from the past. Mhmmm.... looking through my photo album, starring at all those yummy dishes that I've consumed, am starting to feel hungry again!
Check back soon for more photos of gastronomical proportions, and i the meantime, feel free to add me on facebook under the username of "Greedy Flab"!
Posted Apr 4, 2011, 9:38 am Last edited Apr 4, 2011, 9:52 am by Erulisse
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Home, Singapore - 10th April 2011
By: Erulisse
One Sunday, 2-3 weeks prior to me officially becoming a TV (pardon me for the memory lapse... when you eat and sleep as much as I do, you tend to forget the day/date), I assisted my mentor in preparing baked rice. It was a simple recipe with ordinary ingredients - rice, chicken, broccoli & canned cream of corn soup.
Preparation was really easy. Just add water, mix everything into a baking pan, and pop it into the oven. After about 45min or so... tadah!!! Ready to tuck in!! I admit, I was apprehensive at first. It didn't look too appetizing but after I took the first bite, I was hooked. This is where I put in the most effort, of course! Eating is my forte!
Anyway, on the 1st of April, my mentor's bf spotted a promotion ad in the newspapers. $3.99 for a fish & chips at "Manhattan's Fish Market". O_o it came as a surprise as fish & chips at a place like on a regular day will be too expensive for consideration. I half expected it to be an April Fool's joke but went along to the Illuma outlet with the both of them hoping to be proven wrong. How can I possibly resist any food?
It wasn't a joke afterall! The queue was long, as expected. The service was decent. But the wait was so totally worth it. I was so hungry that I easily finished 2 portions by myself. Yum!
Earlier today, I helped my mentor to bake a blueberry cake. Once again, it didn't take too much work. It was a pre-mix bought from Cold Storage, a local supermarket. All we had to do was open the box, drain the blueberries & pour the mix into a bowl. Then add water and stir till even. Afterwhich, add the blueberries into the mixture and pour the entire thing into a regular sized loaf tin.
The "hard" part is done. Then we pre-heated the oven, put the mixture into it... then we sat back and waited. I played Diner Dash on facbook while waiting, to get myself into the mood. I must admit though, I'll never be the one serving food. I'm always the one eating! Anyway, this is how it turned out...
That's all the update I have for you right now. Wonder what my next food adventure will be like... where will I be going, what will I be eating. Ahhhh am getting hungry just thinking of it... I can hardly wait!
Posted Apr 10, 2011, 5:07 pm Last edited Apr 10, 2011, 5:08 pm by Erulisse
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