Essen/ home, Germany - 21st October 2011
By: LoganCarter
Hi, I'm Logan. Right now I am still at home with Momma but I really wanna travel REALLY bad. I want to see so many places. Please tell momma if you would like to host me for a few days.
Posted Oct 21, 2011, 10:00 pm Last edited Oct 21, 2011, 10:01 pm by LoganCarter
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Essen/ home, Germany - 24th October 2011
By: LoganCarter
Hey again,
My mommy is just getting me ready for my biiiiig journey to Berlin tomorrow. But before she can send me, she has to buy two more things tomorrow and then I can travel.
Here's a picture of me getting ready:
This is all from me for today because I really gotta catch some sleep now. When I write next time, I will already be in Berlin.
Goodnight everyone!
Posted Oct 23, 2011, 11:15 pm
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Berlin, Germany - 14th November 2011
By: Isiliel
Hi Mum!
Finally, we did our first trip in Berlin! As you can see we visited the Berlin Wall. At this place there is still a big part of it visible, and a lot of tourists come her. Sometimes you can see elder people, who lived with the wall, come here too, just to remember. The other side of the wall is painted with a lot of beautiful memorial pictures, this inner side as you can see not. I'm standing here on the western side of the wall. My host mum lives in the eastern sector, but as you know today everything is not as bad as it used to be.
More Pictures are coming soon! Love, Logan
Posted Nov 14, 2011, 9:02 am
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Berlin, Germany - 15th November 2011
By: Isiliel
Hi Mum! As you can see: you can't see the Gedächtniskirche! Actually it is not possible to see more than the new tower. The old church is, well, it is IN this white building.
First my host mum was really shocked because she thought, the old church is gone and there is now a skyscraper. But the old church tower is in this white skyscraper so it can be renovated. Believe me, we both are happy it is still there 
Posted Nov 15, 2011, 8:42 am
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Berlin, Germany - 17th November 2011
By: Isiliel
Hello Mum!
Now look at this very unimpressive street: This is KurfĂĽrsten Damm, where in Summer there are Millions of tourists. And I really mean Millions. We had until September 7 Million Tourists here in Berlin, crazy, isn't it? I'll send you a second picture of the entrance, well, one of the entrances of the Damm. We went down there, and for fact: wrong line. My host mum had to search around with me for the right entrance 
Posted Nov 17, 2011, 8:12 pm
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Berlin, Germany - 19th November 2011
By: Isiliel
Wuiiii, look at it, the Brandenburger Tor As you can see the weather is beautiful! There are, again, big groups of tourists, and me and my hostmum walked into a lot of pictures. I hope you are fine at home, we send you a loot of greetings!
Posted Nov 19, 2011, 5:23 pm
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Berlin, Germany - 23rd November 2011
By: Isiliel
Hi Mum, sorry for being quiet for two days, but my host mum is really stressed by work - you know, christmas is coming and she works in a toy-business Look where she brought my, like my wish-list said: The Holocaust Mahnmahl unter den Linden. She had never been there herself, so she was as impressed like I was. It's sad the picture doesn't get the feeling of this building, equal which place you take it. I'm glad we came here to take a look at it and stroll between the blocks. We didn't take a picture in it, because it just didn't look good the way we tried. So you can see me before we went into it. Lovely greetings!
Posted Nov 23, 2011, 4:40 pm
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Berlin, Germany - 30th December 2011
By: Isiliel
Day has passed, but finally I can send you a picture of me at the Gendarmenmarkt. It is, indeed, the most beautiful place inside Berlin. It has two churches on the sides, and in winter there is a really beautiful market beween. Althoug it's quite expensive because a lot of tourists come here.
My Hust Mum told me I will travel on tomorrow. She is a bit sad, because she hadn't that much time she wanted to spend with me, but moving and work were quite a load i guess. Lots of greetings!
Posted Dec 29, 2011, 11:59 pm
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Landshut, Germany - 7th January 2012
By: Tinka
Hi Mum,
I have arrived in Landshut.
I heard someone talking oustide my box. Someone was knocking and I screamed: "Heeelp!"
Then my box was opened :-)
A little hedgehog was looking at me. His name is Pieksi. Also an owl and another koala were there. The owl is called Rosalie and the koala is called Joey. The are Martina's animals and the don't travel.
I'll have a chat whith my new friends now.
Bye Mum :-)
Posted Jan 16, 2012, 7:17 pm
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Landshut, Germany - 14th January 2012
By: Tinka
Posted Jan 16, 2012, 7:24 pm Last edited Jan 16, 2012, 7:25 pm by Tinka
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Bietigheim-Bissingen, Germany - 7th April 2012
By: Steppe
Hallo guys!
I arrived Bietigheim-Bissingen and first of all I met the rabbit of Eastern
Posted Apr 8, 2012, 12:40 pm Last edited Apr 9, 2012, 9:23 am by Steppe
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Fellbach, Germany - 22nd April 2012
By: Steppe
At the weekend we visited the parents of my host.
These were very friendly to me, look! I got lots of sweets 
Posted Apr 24, 2012, 6:54 am
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Bietigheim-Bissingen, Germany - 24th April 2012
By: Steppe
Thanks Mummy for chocolate
My host and I were eating all of it in the evening yesterday...
Posted Apr 25, 2012, 10:31 am
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Bietigheim-Bissingen, Germany - 5th May 2012
By: Steppe
My host has lots of problems with her computer.
But now she shows my pictures :-)
Last weekend we went into a park in Bietigheim. I was climbing at a wall for kids. It was so nice...
Posted May 9, 2012, 9:31 am Last edited May 9, 2012, 9:34 am by Steppe
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