Gießen, Germany - 21st October 2011
By: ...Kathy...
hii... everyone. Today my mom starts to looking where i can go. So i hope i can soon fly away to new adventure in other country. I hope i can fly everywhere i want to, and i would like if you help me an give my a bed to sleep in your home, so that i learn more about you and your country. But now i first go to sleep so that i a wake for my next adventure. good night I must go to bed
Posted Oct 21, 2011, 10:19 pm Last edited Oct 27, 2011, 8:45 pm by ...Kathy...
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at home, Germany - 22nd October 2011
By: ...Kathy...
so today the first picture if me, so that you can see me. and i can say hello to you all. today my mom show me her profil and made a picture in my profile. So hi to everyone. 
Posted Oct 22, 2011, 10:50 am Last edited Oct 27, 2011, 3:23 pm by ...Kathy...
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Gießen, Germany - 27th October 2011
By: ...Kathy...
Today my mom told my that i can fly (or drive) to Dragonfly it is not really far from my home away but im really nervous. It is my first trip and I hope I see a lote of tings. But firstly i start my trip. So Im happy. She showed me the profile vom Dragonfly. So i could see it.
Posted Oct 27, 2011, 4:09 pm Last edited Oct 28, 2011, 3:24 pm by ...Kathy...
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Gießen, Germany - 27th October 2011
By: ...Kathy...
So tomorrow I travel to a new home for a few weeks.
That is my last night at home by my friennds and my mom. I think i will miss them all very much but i come back, and in the time that I travel and see Germany I will see some things and meet new friends. So it is not to bad. My mom is a little bit nervous, ok, Im a little bit, too. But Im so happy hat i can travel. So good night and see you in a few days again. I go now to bed that Im awake tomorrow.
Posted Oct 27, 2011, 8:54 pm Last edited Oct 27, 2011, 8:55 pm by ...Kathy...
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Gießen, Germany - 28th October 2011
By: ...Kathy...
Today the adventure beginns. My mom set my in my travel home. So that i can to my first host. I didnf slept this night not really goog because i was to nervous. But now Im just happy to startmy trip. My mom takes my to the post offic in the afternoon, so that i´ll be there on the first or second of november.
So see you all in a few days from my new home for the next 4 weeks.
Posted Oct 28, 2011, 1:23 pm
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vienna, austria - 21st December 2011
By: skydivermichi
HI! Now I am in Vienna going to Raimund Theater!
Posted Dec 21, 2011, 6:36 am Last edited Dec 21, 2011, 6:49 am by skydivermichi
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Baiersbronn, Germany - 19th January 2012
By: schoerz
Hey mommy i finally arrived at my new hosts home.
As soon as possible we make some nice updates 
Posted Jan 19, 2012, 7:09 pm
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Sindelfingen, Germany - 5th February 2012
By: schoerz
Oh mommy its sooooo cold! We didnt go to Freiburg but we went shopping in
Shopping is awsome
Posted Feb 5, 2012, 11:20 am
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Gießen, Germany - 23rd February 2012
By: ...Kathy...
I arrived at home a few days ago.
Im happy to see my mom and some friends.
But today my mom brought me to the post office, so that i can travel
to Japan to may next host hanachan.
so see you when im there.
Posted Feb 23, 2012, 8:11 pm
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Takamatsu, Japan - 3rd March 2012
By: hanachan
Doll Festival - Hina Matsuri
March 3rd is the Girls' Day in Japan. It is also known as Hina Matsuri. It means "Doll Festival".
hanachan displays beautiful dolls representing Emperor and Empress in ancient court costumes. This is the tradition that parents pray for their girls' growth and happiness.
Boys? Don't worry, May 5th is the day of Boy's Festival It is also the day to celebrate the healthy growth of children.
Families with boys display Samurai dolls then
Posted Mar 17, 2012, 12:39 am
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