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Travelog for: Poppy

Plainwell MI, USA - 18th October 2011

By: Tera

Well today I was informed of my families big plans for me. Mom and Gibson said that I was going to travel all over the world seeing new sites, trying new things, and making new friends! I am so excited! I don't know where my adventure will start but I'm sure it will be fun!

Here is a picture of me with Drew one of the cats I live with. She is so beautiful!

And one of me and Mom's favorite coffee cup. She is having a bit of coffee while she helps me with my update.

poppy and drew.jpg
poppy coffee.jpg

* Posted Oct 18, 2011, 10:15 pm Last edited Nov 5, 2011, 7:18 pm by Tera [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Kalamazoo MI, USA - 20th October 2011

By: Tera

I'm going to be going to Poland to visit ai! I am so excited! Mom said she is going to mail me early next week.

Today we went to visit some friends at a homeschool co-op. The kids (and moms) get together twice a month to play games, have lunch, and chat.

First we had show and tell. One girl brought a scary creature!!

Thank goodness there were friendlier toys too!

Next we made some paper airplanes. It wouldn't fly with me riding.

We also played a game called Blockus

It was a really fun time!

* Posted Oct 20, 2011, 7:30 pm Last edited Oct 20, 2011, 7:50 pm by Tera [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Library Plainwell MI , USA - 21st October 2011

By: Tera

Today was cold and windy so we went to the library.
Here I am in a beautiful tree...the colors are so nice.


Here is the outside of the library.


It is very nice inside! So many books to choose from. Here I am reading a story.


After choosing our books we noticed this nice mural of a girl and dogs, I just had to take my picture with it!


We did a few other things today but I will update that tonight!

* Posted Oct 21, 2011, 10:02 pm Last edited Oct 25, 2011, 10:46 pm by Tera [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Kalamazoo MI, USA - 21st October 2011

By: Tera

Today was going to be a quiet day at home but boy we ended up busy! First we went to the library as you saw earlier but that wasn't all!
Mom didn't remember to pack any lunches so we had to make an emergency stop at McDonald's


I had a taste of Gibson's burger and a sip or two of coke! I can't believe Mom shared with me....coke is her favorite :)

After we had our lunch we went downtown to pick up some tickets Mom had won. They were to a Western Michigan University Volleyball game. She thought they were for that night but turned out the were for Saturday so we won't be able to go. Found someone who could. The city is called Kalamazoo and the slogan is "Yes there really is a Kalamazoo" Here I am with some things the Discover Kalamazoo office had for sale.


This is me by a fancy hotel called The Radisson.


Since we were downtown we decided to visit the Kalamazoo Valley Museum.


I tried the sun dial they had outside but since it was cloudy it didn't work so well.


An old museum sign, WMU jersey, and the top of a Gibson guitar that was once made in Kalamazoo.


Help a tornado is coming!


Gibson and I both thought the electricity was really neat.


Wild water.


Checker cabs used to be made right in Kalamazoo!


Gibson thought these people were creepy...Mom thought they were good for a photo opp.


Gibson beat Mom at checkers (I gave him hints:)


It was too dark in with the mummy for good pictures so we had to take this one outside. This is Gibson's favorite exhibit here.


An interesting art display.


That was a lot for a little dog like me in one day! I'm off to bed!

* Posted Oct 22, 2011, 3:41 am Last edited Oct 25, 2011, 10:44 pm by Tera [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Plainwell MI , USA - 22nd October 2011

By: Tera

Today we said goodbye to Mr. Roboto I am sad and a bit jealous too! Mom says she will send me out on Thursday but I am ready to visit ai in Poland now!! I gave Mr. Robot a hug before he got sealed up in his envelope.


Here he is all sealed up!


I sure hope I'm not that smushed! I decided to walk him out to the mailbox and help him prepare for his adventure, http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6173/6269670416_83bdfcbc03.jpg

Don't worry Mr. Roboto I'm sure you will have a great time with Kuschi Have a safe trip!


* Posted Oct 22, 2011, 5:47 pm Last edited Oct 25, 2011, 10:41 pm by Tera [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Plainwell MI, USA - 22nd October 2011

By: Tera

Yawn! Today is kind of a lazy day here at home. Gibson went to play with a friend so I decided to keep a couple of his toys company. The big frog is Flippy and the little one is Flipito.


They told me lots of stories about the trips they have been on. Flippy has been to Mount Rushmore and both coasts of the USA! Lucky frog!

I tried to snuggle with Drew a bit but she wanted to be left alone to nap.


I wandered over to see what Mom was doing. She was reading a book so I read a bit myself.


I didn't enjoy it much and neither is Mom but she had started it and it is an easy read so she will finish it up. She uses her favorite Moomin postcard as a bookmark!


I hope if I go to Finland I will be able to have my picture taken with Moomin characters to show Mom!

* Posted Oct 22, 2011, 10:00 pm Last edited Oct 25, 2011, 10:41 pm by Tera [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

The Wiener Mobile!!, USA - 25th October 2011

By: Tera

Today Mom was going to mail me off to Poland but then she found out that the Oscar Meyer Wiener Mobile was going to be in town so she took me to see that first....tomorrow she says that really she will send me :)

I am excited to start my travels but had a fun time seeing this American icon!

Since Halloween is coming up they had it dressed up as a pirate! It says here Halloweenie :) Haha!

Mom didn't think to hold me off to the side so we could see the license plate and what it said under the skull.

Check out the eye patch!!

This is the sticker I was given,

And here I am trying Gibson's glow in the dark Wienie whistle. They said this is a very special one because they will only be giving them out this week for Halloween.

* Posted Oct 25, 2011, 10:39 pm Last edited Oct 26, 2011, 1:48 pm by Tera [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Home, USA - 26th October 2011

By: Tera

Poor Gibson, the boy I am home with is feeling quite sick today. We did lots of snuggling, napping, and tv watching today.

I cuddled with him and his bear Smooky on the couch. Smooky is Gibson's special friend and they have been together for 6 years! You can tell by looking at him that he is very loved.

I helped my get around all the things Gibson might need to help him feel better. I liked the cherry cough drops a lot...they taste almost like candy!

I helped pick what to watch. We were lucky that Nightmare before Christmas was on! Don't worry it is a fun movie not a scary one!

Then I got all snuggled in this cozy blanket and took a nap!

I keep being told I'm going to travel! I think just maybe it might be tomorrow :)

* Posted Oct 26, 2011, 11:40 pm Last edited Oct 26, 2011, 11:41 pm by Tera [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Post Office, USA to Poland - 28th October 2011

By: Tera

Can you believe it? I am finally on my way to visit ai in Poland!!!! I wonder what it will be like. Mom has been meaning to send me for ages then her and Gibson got sick! She still isn't feeling very good but got me sent out regardless!

I helped get a couple gifts along to pass on to my host! I hope she likes them!


I'm squished!!! Not very much room in here...I sure hope it is a quick trip!


Headed in to the Post Office. We tried for a better picture but it was starting to rain!


Bye Mom and Gibson!!! See you soon ai!!

* Posted Oct 29, 2011, 4:48 am Last edited Oct 29, 2011, 5:29 pm by Tera [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Tarnobrzeg, Poland - 3rd November 2011

By: ai

Hi mommy, hi Gibson!
Look where I am!
After long and lonely few days, I'm here, in Poland!
I have been warmly welcomed and made new friends.
The first one is beagle Nora. She couldn't stop licking me and wigging her tail.
We look the same!
The second one is black cat Kitty. First I thought it's halloween toy, but then she opened her eyes and started to purr.
I'm so happy to be here. Now you don't have to afraid of me, I'm all safe :)
I miss you both!
your Poppy

* Posted Nov 3, 2011, 2:33 pm [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Tarnobrzeg, Poland - 4th November 2011

By: ai

Hello mommy, hello Gibson!
Today I went to school with my hostis. We got up early, cause we didn't want to be late.
After we prepared ourselves, we went to school. The way was so long... we went on feet 40 mins and it was so cold, 2 or 3 deegres.
But at least we came to the destination place  :D
There weren't too many people in the class. Only 13 from 26. We didn't had too many lessons - only 4.
The first was business lesson. I helped my hostis to fill in papers.
Meanwhile I made new friend with the giraffe that belongs to my hostis' classmate.
Then were two lessons of Polish. I learnt a little about the interwar period in Poland. They were talking about art and poetry.
My hostis brought Dali's artbook as exaple for surrealist art.
After talking, we took notes. I learn some Polish writing!
The last lesson was about landscape design. My hostis goes to Technical School of Landscape Design, so after this trip I will be able to give you some advices about suiting the garden :D.
After school we went to second hand, but there weren't any clotes that would fit on me :(. Later this day we were at the post office to take Happy Dog home.
We also went to my hostis grandmother :)
where we released my new friend.
Oh, and we booked tickets on bus to Cracow today. Yay! I'm ready to visit all wonderful places!
Lots of love,
your Poppy.

* Posted Nov 4, 2011, 6:53 pm [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Tarnobrzeg, Poland - 6th November 2011

By: ai

Hi Gibson, hi mommy!
Today ai has to learn a little so we haven't been anywhere. Me and Happy Dog have met ai's doll Pneumonia. She's 26cm tall and has her own clothes. I tried to try on some of them, but they didn't fit on me again (like yesterday in second hand shop :D). Ai decided to take some photos of me with Pneumonia and Happy Dog. Here they are:
She made lots of photos, but most of them came out blurry :(.
After that we were reading a book - 'The Master and Margarita' by Mikhail Bulgakov. I liked it a lot; it's so funny and includes devil's black magic!
We also bought muffins from Dr.Oetker.
We'll bake them on Friday, in Cracow, cause we're going there on 3rd anniversary ai and her boyfreind's relationship :D so it will be sweet suprise :) (very sweet cause it'll be chocolate muffins filled with cherry jam :3)
In the end we disturbed cat a little :D She was sleeping again!
Okay, I've got to go for now, cause tomorrow we're getting up at 5.30am! (the school starts at 7.10 :().
I miss you all!
Your Poppy.

* Posted Nov 6, 2011, 4:20 pm [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Kraków, Poland - 10th November 2011

By: ai

Hello mommy, hello Gibson!
Today we get to Cracow. Me and Happy Dog helped ai to bake cookies :) She did few photos and promissed to upload them tomorrow. Now we're going to sleep, cause we get so tired getting here.
See you tomorrow.
Your Poppy.

* Posted Nov 10, 2011, 8:32 pm [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Kraków, Poland - 12th November 2011

By: ai

Hi Gibson! Hi mommy!
After little problems with computer & internet I'm finally here to tell you where I've been during last few days.
When we arrived, we've been so tired, but ai wanted to cook muffins anyway. So me and Happy dog became cooks :)
The muffins came out so delicious! I regret, that I wasn't able to send you few :(
Anyway, today we get to the centre of town, to visit some old buildings and churches.
When we got there we've seen an interesting exhibition about old postcards from Cracow.
When we were going to the Main Market Square, we saw beautiful building of Juliusz Słowacki Theatre.
On the Main Market Square we saw St. Mary's Basilica and the Cloth Hall. So here we are next to St. Mary's Basilica:
Me and Happy dog on the roof of miniature of the Cloth Hall:
On the Main Market Square there's also monument of Adam Mickiewicz - one of the Polish most important poet.
And we got pic by the miniature of Town Hall:
Last thing we saw was the Saints Peter and Paul Church, the most beautiful baroque church in Cracow.
Ai's boyfriend studies history of art in there, so when we were visiting he were telling us interesting information.
I've spent wonderful days in Cracow! I'm so sad, that you couldn't be with me :( but I think of you all the time!
Lots of kisses!
Your Poppy.

* Posted Nov 12, 2011, 6:53 pm [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Tarnobrzeg, Poland - 29th November 2011

By: ai

Hello mom, hi Gibson!
After a bunch of boring days I had spent on learning with Ai to her exams and after that at home (cause she couldn't take me with her) I am finnaly coming back with hearing from Poland!
We did a little of sightseeing today in Ai's hometown - Tarnobrzeg. There's not too many attractions but it's still a something ;)
So here we are, me and Happy dog next to Bartosz Głowacki's monument. He was a Polish peasant and the most famous member of the kosynierzy (peasant volunteer infantry) during the Kościuszko Uprising in 1794. Bartosz Głowacki became one of the most famous Polish soldiers of the uprising, and joined the ranks of the Polish national heroes.
Also we had seen Monastery of Dominicans in Tarnobrzeg. It's pretty old, cause it was founded in 1677.
We were walking on Tarnobrzeg's Main Square too.
Ai promised to show me Dzików Castle and some more before I will go to Germany.
We finished reading 'Master and Margarita' and started all the prose written by Ai's favourite writter - Charles Baudelaire. It's quite extensive - about 600 pages!
(me, Happy Dog, Charles Baudelaire and the great mess :D)

I miss you all!
Your Poppy :)

* Posted Nov 29, 2011, 3:09 pm [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

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