Berlin, Germany - 22nd October 2011
By: Isiliel
Hi Everyone!
My mum just startet with this ToyVoyager....thingie, although I ever and always wanted to travel a lot. In my today's picture you can see me in front of some books. My mum reeeeaaally loves books and keeps a lot of them standing around. Maybe she can show them to some visitors soon. But even if I love books too I just want to start my journey soon, so please be my host!
Love, Mr. Fluffs
Posted Oct 22, 2011, 10:41 am Last edited Oct 22, 2011, 10:42 am by Isiliel
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Berlin, Germany - 22nd October 2011
By: Isiliel
It's a beautiful day of autumn today, so my mum took me outside to take a picture on the nearby bridge. I like trains! Even if they pass this bridge every six minutes somehow there wasn't any train when we took this picture. My mum was a bit afraid I could fall down, but as I am a grown up bear I didn't !
Posted Oct 22, 2011, 1:54 pm
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Berlin, Germany - 25th October 2011
By: Isiliel
Hi There!
I'm still in germany and visited my mum's brothers. They have a nice flat with lot's of places to play for a Toy like me. And look what I found! Some guys I could play along on the lamp. I hope my mom makes me a travel ID Tag soon, so I can go on a journey. Greetings! Mr. Fluffs. 
Posted Oct 25, 2011, 7:45 pm
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Unknown, Unknown - 17th November 2011
By: Isiliel
So, my mum sent me to uebermaedchen to Austria, and since she brought me to the post office about three weeks ago, my should-be host mum didn't react to any question my mum sent to her. I hope she doesn#t throw me away or something 
Posted Nov 17, 2011, 8:23 pm
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Unknown, Unknown - 30th December 2011
By: Isiliel
I'm still lost. If Anyone can tell something about my host mum, Uebermädchen, who didn't react in weeks, my own mum would be really happy. 
Posted Dec 30, 2011, 12:04 am
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