Neuss, Deutschland - 22nd October 2011
By: ErikaTheMouse
Erika"TheMouse is a gift from my Girl friend. Erika is 2 Years old and a little and very nice Mouse. She is dressed with an Blue Dress, with a little Sun on the Dress and a blue loop on the Head. erika reahced the age to see the world. With heavy heart I send she to travel on.
Posted Oct 22, 2011, 10:45 pm
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Neuss, Deutschland - 24th October 2011
By: ErikaTheMouse
I´m waiting by the dentist befor i go to my trip to Berlin.
Posted Oct 25, 2011, 3:10 pm Last edited Oct 25, 2011, 3:15 pm by Erika "The Mouse"
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Berlin, Germany - 26th October 2011
By: Isiliel
Hi mum and dad!
I arrived safely in Berlin and got unpacked by my hostmum and her Toy. It's a little bear called Mr.Fluffs. He was very astonished because I am so much bigger than him, but we soon had to talk a lot about traveling and other stuff. Because the weather is really bad and my hostmum has to work quite a lot we stayed inside to play some games. Pictures follow soon! And we were promised that we will do a lot of sightseeing on Satureday an Sunday.
Posted Oct 26, 2011, 5:13 pm
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Berlin, Germany - 26th October 2011
By: Isiliel
Look what I found! My host mum keeps a funny cat called "Pummel". He is quite shy and hid immediately when he noticed me sitting up there. I guess he's never seen a big mouse like me!
Posted Oct 26, 2011, 5:29 pm Last edited Oct 26, 2011, 5:29 pm by Isiliel
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Berlin, Germany - 29th October 2011
By: Isiliel
Hi mum and dad!
Today we took a little tour around Berlin together with CrazyFace. First point to see was the Pergamon Museum which you can see in the back. It's quite famous and a lot of tourists are around here all year.
Posted Oct 29, 2011, 5:49 pm
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Berlin, Germany - 29th October 2011
By: Isiliel
This is the Dome of Berlin. In this autumn weather it looks really really beautiful, doesn't it? In front of it is a green meadow where people sit in the sun, read, do some musik or dance, it's really amazing to watch!
Posted Oct 29, 2011, 5:51 pm
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Berlin, Germany - 29th October 2011
By: Isiliel
Beneath the Dome there ist the so called "Old Muesum". Well, it indeed does look old, but I don't have any Idea what they show in it? Maybe we will visit it, if we can find some spare time. At least we took a picture from outside 
Posted Oct 29, 2011, 5:53 pm
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Berlin, Germany - 29th October 2011
By: Isiliel
Wheeeeee look at the Fernsehturm It's one of the buildings you can see from nearly the whole city when good weather.... okay, not in the surroundings for sure, but from most places! Also you can see the towe of the Red Town Hall on the right side of the picture. Isn't it just awesome weather? I am really looking forward because tomorrow we will take another trip outside.
Posted Oct 29, 2011, 6:12 pm
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Berlin, Germany - 31st October 2011
By: Isiliel
Hi Mum and Dad! Even if most people do not know it: Berlin has a huge amount of green places all around. Our Host Mum was a bit sad because the weather was so grey, but she said well, it's autumn. So what shall we do about it
Maybe you can see Crazy Face too, he's sitting n me so we could both take part of this picture.
Lot's of greetings!
Posted Oct 31, 2011, 8:14 pm
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Berlin, Germany - 2nd November 2011
By: Isiliel
Today I sat on the back of a bear! Well, we wanted to have a look at the "Bärenschaufenster" at the Tierpark Berlin, but there weren't any bears. So we took a picture with this bear instead. You know, if you are in Berlin you have to take a picture of at least one bear 
Posted Nov 2, 2011, 7:47 am
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