At home, Germany - 11th January 2012
By: Hanni
Hi I´m *Paul*,
i´m a very special leopard, because I have blue dotsBut don´t be afraid. I´m not ill, i´m just different. And as a special and brave leopard I not do the same like the other leopards. First, I only eat sweet. So you don´t have to be afraid that I eat the other Toy Voyagers.
Secondly, I am a culture-lovers. I love museums, sculptures, etc.
And thirdly, I love other animals. They are so interesting!
I want to be a Toy Voyager, because I want to see the whole world.
See you soon. *Paul*
Posted Jan 11, 2012, 6:30 pm Last edited Jan 11, 2012, 6:31 pm by Hanni
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At home :(, Germany - 12th January 2012
By: Hanni
Still at home. I want travel and see the world! sniff!
Posted Jan 12, 2012, 6:41 pm
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Osterrönfeld, Germany - 15th January 2012
By: Hanni
Today begins my journey to Switzerland. I´m sooooooo exited.
Posted Jan 15, 2012, 11:39 am Last edited Jan 15, 2012, 11:39 am by Hanni
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Kerns, Switzerland - 19th January 2012
By: dawoni
Hi Mum!
I just arrived here in Switzerland. I finally could crawl out of this narrow envelop. They found me (a little bit compressed) and the chocolate (my new host say "Thanks"!). ...of course, I also like to taste a little bit of the chocolate!
Posted Jan 19, 2012, 3:35 pm
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Kerns, Switzerland - 23rd January 2012
By: dawoni
I had a fantastic day. I could help with the carnival venture (Fasnachtswegen). My hostfamily loves carnival. Therefore we created a big castle. The topic is: "Fabulous Medieval" (fabelhaftes Mittelalter). We're not finished yet, but we're on the way! can't see much on the pictures, because it's "TOP SECRET!"
Posted Jan 23, 2012, 8:29 pm
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Kerns, Switzerland - 24th January 2012
By: dawoni
My host should make the annual financial statements of the year 2011. ...I must say, I wasn't a big help. It was very boring and I just had nonsense in my head!
Posted Jan 23, 2012, 8:53 pm
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Kerns, Switzerland - 26th January 2012
By: dawoni
Hi Mum!
It's so ugly weather here, that we decided stay inside. It's a pitty that I can't show you my new home, but my host promised that she'll take me to the mountains this weekend. I'm looking forward!
Greetings from Switzerland
Posted Jan 26, 2012, 6:52 pm
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Kerns, Switzerland - 27th January 2012
By: dawoni
Hi, I enjoyed the first snow today. We don't have much snow here, just a little, but it's snow! I really liked it.
I also took a ride on the reindeer. ...but I think it's time to put them in the basement. ...until next Christmas!
Posted Jan 27, 2012, 2:01 pm
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Melchsee-Frutt, Switzerland - 28th January 2012
By: dawoni
Hi Mum
I told you, that I'll enjoy the weekend in the mountains. It was fantastic. I went to the Melchsee-Frutt. Melchsee-Frutt is located at 1,920 metres above sea level and belongs to the municipality of Kerns in Canton Obwalden. The sunny high plateau has been a historic health resort (since 1865) and continues to enchant visitors with its stunning scenery, unspoilt nature and Alpine world with an idyllic mountain lake.
Posted Jan 29, 2012, 3:16 pm
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Melchsee-Frutt, Switzerland - 28th January 2012
By: dawoni
Wow, look at the fantastic view. I really love this montains!
Posted Jan 29, 2012, 3:19 pm
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Melchsee-Frutt, Switzerland - 29th January 2012
By: dawoni
I could join a baptism today. It was nice, because it was in a very small chapel in the mountains. We christened the youngest member of my host family of the name "Mara".
Posted Feb 1, 2012, 2:52 pm
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Melchsee-Frutt, Switzerland - 1st February 2012
By: dawoni
I went skiing today. It was great! ...and of course, we also made a break with a coffee-brandy!
Posted Feb 1, 2012, 2:55 pm
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Melchsee-Frutt, Switzerland - 1st February 2012
By: dawoni
Wow, have you seen the big elevator? It's brand new. They opened it last December. ...I almost get fear of heights!
Posted Feb 1, 2012, 3:02 pm
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Kerns, Switzerland - 3rd February 2012
By: dawoni
I get a new friend today. The postman brought Bullseye. I welcomed Bullseye warmly. I'm sure, we'll become good friends!
Posted Feb 3, 2012, 9:29 pm
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