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ToyVoyager Profile: Treacle

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Name: Treacle
Description: Treacle: black and tan dog, sweet temperament, looking for adventure after a few years stuck in A Box in The Loft. Used to getting into sticky situations, will happily blunder on regardless of trouble he is causing. Please help Treacle do some travelling.
Birthday: 2006-09-01
Height (cm):
Weight (g):

Life Missions: [1 out of 5 complete]:
Complete: Go on a holiday
Incomplete: Visit the Sugar Loaf Mountain in Brazil
Incomplete: Meet Gary Rhodes, the 'face' of Tate and Lyle
Incomplete: Bake a cake for a friend or neighbour, just because ...
Incomplete: Go to CadburyWorld and eat yummy melted choc from a little cup!

Mentor: Worldwide
Hosted by: Isobel&Neil rachel@maisie


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