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ToyVoyager Profile: Yetta Bear

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Name: Yetta Bear
Description: Yetta Bear is a sweet little lady who seems to always be waving hello. She is warm and friendly, and loves to try new experiences. Yetta Bear is very tiny and easy to mail. She hopes to travel all over the world!
Gender: Female
Birthday: 2011-08-29
Height (cm): 6
Weight (g): 14

Life Missions: [2 out of 5 complete]:
Incomplete: To visit at least 6 countries.
Incomplete: To see bears at the zoo.
Complete: To watch the sun set over the ocean.
Incomplete: To kiss at least 10 different people on the nose.
Complete: To ride in a boat.

Mentor: MamiTig
Hosted by: anxova Leijona miapearl RikeH nuriayasmin


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