Name: |
Terry |
Description: |
I am Terry the Tiger and I am ready to see the world. I would love to visit anyone that wants to show me their town. I am excited to come and meet you!!!! |
Gender: |
Birthday: |
Height (cm): |
Weight (g): |
Life Missions:
[1 out of 5 complete]: |
Incomplete: |
See other Tigers |
Incomplete: |
Visit all 50 states in the USA |
Incomplete: |
Go on a Safari |
Incomplete: |
Be photographed with Frosted Flakes cereal all over the world |
Complete: |
Have a party with other Toy Voyagers |
Mentor: |
Pixiedustlady |
Hosted by: |
iddewes AnjaM TaisAfinskaia CandyStar |