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ToyVoyager Profile: Cilly

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Name: Cilly
Description: Do you see my eyes??? I always find something to make fun with and maybe you will realize this, when I'm with you. I'm very active, always jumping around. My mum said, that I have to behave myself, when I'm with you and I really will try it. But please don't be angry with me, if I do something crazy.
Gender: Female
Birthday: 2000-12-06
Height (cm): 15
Weight (g): 48

Life Missions: [2 out of 5 complete]:
Complete: play in the snow
Incomplete: go to Guggenheim museum in New York
Incomplete: visit Sagrada Familia in Barcelona
Incomplete: watch a cricket match
Complete: visit a concert of a rock band

Mentor: fam-united
Hosted by: dj2008 Pandamao RikeH olgamaus McFloozy eurydike kessalia Sollie Eustachia Krummel Mausbären


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