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ToyVoyager Profile: Nicki Bear

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Name: Nicki Bear
Description: I'm Nicki, the Christmas Bear girl. I'm from Trier, which is one of the most beautiful cities in Germany. I love to get to know new people and to bring fun and happiness in the world. Some of my hobbies are: singing (maybe you can train me some new songs for Christmas next year), baking and cooking (of course I love to get new recipes, may it be for Christmas or the rest of the year). Please tell me about your celebrations and let me be part of it, may they be religous or not religous.
Gender: Female
Birthday: 2007-12-15
Height (cm):
Weight (g): 36

Life Missions: [0 out of 5 complete]:
Incomplete: collect 100 recipes from all over the world
Incomplete: go to a Teddy Bear party
Incomplete: join 5 religious and traditional celebrations all over the world
Incomplete: get photos taken at 50 train stations
Incomplete: celebrate New Year in 5 different countries

Mentor: fam-united
Hosted by: Michele_one_L 3tmom tarepanda wourpet carlissa BlackCat JaymeC sararingham angelicabermejo


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