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ToyVoyager Profile: Jango

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Name: Jango
Description: Hello! I am Jango and I love to knit! Mum has been teaching me how and I think it is very fun. It is a little tough to do without thumbs but I am learning to adapt. My favorite things are: making people happy, being hugged, knitting, Doctor Who, and colorful things. I have never traveled before but I think I will like it a lot!
Gender: Male
Birthday: 2009-10-01
Height (cm):
Weight (g): 115

Life Missions: [1 out of 5 complete]:
Complete: Meet a real live sheep
Incomplete: Ride in a racecar
Incomplete: Meet someone from Doctor Who
Incomplete: See interesting places in other countries
Incomplete: Go to a castle

Mentor: proptartknits
Hosted by: olgamaus


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