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ToyVoyager Profile: Kevin Kiwi

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Name: Kevin Kiwi
Description: Kevin has brown furry feathers, dark eyes,no wings(kiwis can't fly), a long yellow beak and big yellow feet.
Gender: Male
Birthday: 2010-02-20
Height (cm): 8
Weight (g):

Life Missions: [2 out of 5 complete]:
Incomplete: To eat some interesting bugs and grubs.
Complete: To visit the Rhine river
Incomplete: To see a big Buddha statue
Incomplete: To try on some different gumboots
Complete: To play in the snow.

Mentor: fleursmum
Hosted by: RickiFan17 MA_17 Hippo Nino olgamaus Chloe09 Reissari RikeH Emjay beelicious goomymia


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