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ToyVoyager Profile: Sweetheart-

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Name: Sweetheart-
Description: Hey guys, my name ist Sweetheart ,I am a teddy bear, that wants to travel around the world. I like taking photos, eating chocolate and meeting friends. Furthermore, I love fashion, flowers and bows. I am looking forward to meet diffrent TV's, espacially, I would like to meet an Rilakkuma, because I am a big fan of them ! ! Finally, I hope you will help me to complete all my life missions , so I can return back to my mum's prom night :)
Gender: Male
Birthday: 2011-12-24
Height (cm): 20
Weight (g):

Life Missions: [1 out of 5 complete]:
Incomplete: to collect at least 7 small Buttons from each place
Incomplete: to fly
Incomplete: to go to Disneyland and to the eifel tower
Incomplete: to see the niagara falls :)
Complete: to celebrate valentine´*-*

Mentor: Courage_
Hosted by: MiniCleo Reissari


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